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TheraBand Resistance Bands


  • Stretches, tones & conditions all major muscle groups, perfect for those with latex allergies or sensitivities
  • Simple & easy to use product for upper & lower body exercises that can be performed anywhere, is ideal for conditioning & rehabbing muscles
  • The Non-Latex Resistance Band increases both strength & flexibility in a subtle & natural manner
  • Rehabilitate muscles through simple yet effective workouts to increase strength & improve motion
  • Each band measures 5 feet long x 4 inches wide and comes in three color-coded resistance levels: Yellow-3-4.3 lbs.; Red-3.7-5.5 lbs.; Green-4.6-6.7 lbs. Blue-5.8 - 8.5lbs
  • Stretches, tones & conditions all major muscle groups. Simple & easy to use product for upper & lower body exercises that can be performed anywhere & is ideal for conditioning & rehabbing muscles. The Latex-Free Resistance Band increases both strength & flexibility in a subtle & natural manner & are perfect for people with latex allergies. Rehabilitate muscles through simple yet effective workouts to increase strength & improve motion.